Gavrilov, Pyotr Mikhailovich. Maior

[English version below]




Pyotr Mikhailovich Gavrilov, último defensor de la fortaleza de Brest

Gavrilov es el protagonista de una historia épica que comienza al primer segundo de la Operación Barbarroja en la fortaleza de Brest. Es uno de esos héroes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial desconocidos en Occidente. El comandante Gavrilov resiste el asalto de la 45ª División de Infantería germana mucho más de lo esperado. Incluso días después de declararse tomada por la infantería de la Wehrmacht, hay indicios de resistentes aún activos escondidos en las alcantarillas…


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[English version]




brest litovsk fortaleza
Patriotic drawing of the hard-core resistance of the garrison. Assault after assault the Landser of the 45th Infantry Division get to fierce street fighting in the central isle only to be called off when losses are amounting.

Gavrilov is the character of an epic episode that commences on the very first second of Operation Barbarossa in the Brest fortress. He is indeed one of the unsung heroes of World War Two in the West. Major Gavrilov withstands the assault of the German 45th Infantry Division much longer than expected. Days after being taken by the Wehrmacht infantry, there still seems to be frantic resistance even in the sewers of the fortress…



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